Nell Osborne Surreal-Absurd Sampler
Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley

Nell Osborne Surreal-Absurd Sampler


“A perceptive friend of mine says that my poetry takes place within deep social insanity. I like poetry and prose that behaves outrageously, or antisocially, or which doesn’t “reward” the reader, at least not in familiar or legible ways — I think that’s a personal preference — but it lends itself well to the experience of being alive right now.”

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Stuart Ross Surreal-Absurd Sampler
Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock

Stuart Ross Surreal-Absurd Sampler


In 1984 I founded a school of writing I called Demento Primitivo. It really caught on, at least among me. The people and other creatures and objects in my poems and stories often push themselves beyond the boundaries of realism and into the dementations of reality. Reality is the bubbling cauldron of absurdity we are flung into. The giant ladle of surrealism stirs us around and around until we capitulate to its nurturing demands.

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Laura Wetherington Surreal-Absurd Sampler
Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock

Laura Wetherington Surreal-Absurd Sampler


“Thylias Moss once said to me that the knots and turns in a tree’s branches are all evidence of failures, but in the context of a complex system, they make the tree beautiful and unique. I turned to the trees, first with tree rubbings, and then with collage. I am making new sonnets, visual ones then, in the spirit of Antonin Artaud’s desire to get outside of language.”

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Ian McMillan Surreal-Absurd Sampler
Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley

Ian McMillan Surreal-Absurd Sampler


“I can more or less remember when I first tried to be surrealistically creative: it was on a church youth club trip to London in around 1969 when I was 13. On the way home my mates and I were spectacularly bored on the rattling bus and I said, apropos of nothing, that when I got home I was going wash my hands in a bowl made from old leather cucumbers when I got home. That collision of leather and cucumbers got a laugh and a surreal door was opened in my mind.”

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Yi Won Surreal-Absurd Sampler
Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley

Yi Won Surreal-Absurd Sampler


“A central feature of Yi Won’s work is how she sees the world through images rather than meaning. "This feature makes me want to make my poetic language imagery newer and stranger," Yi Won says…"The irony of the closest thing being the most unfamiliar seems to provide an unfamiliar and familiar image at the same time.”

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