Surreal-Absurd Sampler Jenna Clake
Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley Surreal-Absurd Vik Shirley

Surreal-Absurd Sampler Jenna Clake


“When I first started reading surreal and Absurd poetry, I was amazed by that the poems – and the poets – could do. I think this is what I’m always trying to do in my poems – see what I can do, and what the poem can do, what I can get away with. I want to always explode what poetry ‘should’ do…”

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I Download a Baby
Surreal-Absurd Jason Gordan Surreal-Absurd Jason Gordan

I Download a Baby


These poems are primarily about isolation and the anxiety associated with feeling different, strange, and alone. Another major thread is that of the absurdity of life, and the futility of trying to project any meaning onto it. At times these anxieties manifest themselves as humour, at other times, as surreal dreams or nightmares.

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Surreal-Absurd Sampler Judson Hamilton
Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock

Surreal-Absurd Sampler Judson Hamilton


"These poems are from a manuscript I’m working on called The Vogue for Flatness, so we’re still learning about one another. Poems for me are a way to filter the world, to make sense of it, to live in it. Perhaps it’s having been raised in suburbia or a childhood steeped in comics and cable TV, but there seems to me no other honest way to do this than through the surreal, absurd, and grotesque." - Judson Hamilton

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 Surreal-Absurd-Sampler Brian Clifton
Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock

Surreal-Absurd-Sampler Brian Clifton


“There was a game I used to play as a child. My friends and I would turn off the lights of a room and stare at each other's faces. Because we could only see vague outlines, our imaginations would fill in the details, would distort the faces we knew until they were strange and stranger. I think these experiences are related to seeing the surreal blossom in the contemplated mundane.”

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Surreal-Absurd Sampler Glen Armstrong
Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock Surreal-Absurd Marcus Silcock

Surreal-Absurd Sampler Glen Armstrong


“I’ve been writing requiems for people I admire lately, some of them fictional, some of them still alive. These folks may have ended up on gum wrappers or Mr. Cobain’s t-shirt or Mr. Zapruder’s movie. They usually share a unique talent that still can’t compensate for a unique and profound sadness. These are a few of those requiems.”

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