I. Pupa.
This work contains the text "fe-" and the letters m, a, l, and e all surrounded by brackets to form a cocoon-like structure. Thematically, it's a poem reflecting on non-binary identity, gender dysphoria, and perhaps, even the euphoria that comes when one attempts to integrate and disintegrate the masculine and feminine parts in oneself.
II. Gordian
This poem was inspired by my readings of Mary Ellen Solt's concrete/visual poetry. I wanted to create a similar vision of her work by using textual elements to construct the various ways in which nature intricately produces patterns. Hence the name "Gordian." More deeply, this work is about me trying to return to a more childlike state of wonder when it comes to writing.
III. Resurrecting
Pina Bausch says that "repetition is not repetition, ... The same action makes you feel something completely different by the end." This quote serves as a motif for this work particularly when it comes to the rituals that we perform when we inhabit and deal with incomplete states of grief and loss. Ultimately, showing how permanent endings in our lives and histories often feel endless in a way.