Artefacts of Articulation

These poems came about in the course of my ongoing efforts to understand consciousness. The lines aspire to an Escherian geometry (unsettling familiarity--of seeing, thinking, and feeling--in ways) often associated with poetry. I feel my poetry is intimate--reflecting conscious experience itself within itself.

Not knowing
I stared straight at reason
Long, too long! 

With the rays of rationality
Burning my retina:
Cones and concepts beneath,
I lost my vision. 

Being blind,
Fearing death under speeding purpose,
I stay home,
With my mother feeding me

One night,
In the twilight of empathy
In a twinkle of mirror neurons
I saw 

My mother,
Touch of grass
Caressing the cane
Felt in my palm,
With a bowl of soup 

My mother’s eyes,
Rhyming with presence
Of inaudible memories,
Trailing behind the spoonful of soup
Gliding past my lips… face… me

Caged by form
Envies music 

Soiled by ground
Bosoms beauty 

Occluded by objects
Yearns completion
An amodal muse to cuddle 

Weary of measuring
Recollects compassion
An endearing reading to infeel 

Subdivided by self
Want sex
An orgasm to unbreak

Last night
While I was all awake
There was an earthquake
Crawling through the cracks came Eve
Seducing me with the unlike apple,

Spellbound, I sink my teeth into illumination
Intention shining bright on surfaces
On statements saying something
Sensible things, 

clearly labeled,
In contours invisible
Discounting ambient aboutness,

Stifled by symbolism
With its dictates of denotation
Shackled to the signified,
I heard,
Sound moan 

Rememorying the childhood
Of music playing
In the comfort of unstudied
Unaware of the lurking semantics,
I heard,
Sound wail 

Nursing names
Inflicted by interpretation
Bearing the meaning
Desired by poetic lust,
I heard,
Sound writhe
In pain
In vain

Venkata Rayudu Posina

A neuroscientist constructing the space of all possible mathematical answers to the question: What is consciousness? And in doing so, hopes to renew respect for serious thought--following a thought all the way through--guided by feeling.


A Matter of Opinion


Ghosts Passing along Sunset Boulevard