Aliens: Poems on Films


the facehugger ejaculates alien eggs ()()()()()()()()()
down the throats {of people}

the alien babies ^ grow into the stomach >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> like a wom

 Ridley brings with him / ~ the psychoanalytical
~ subtlety of Hartlepool 

the Alien is deathu, deathish, a bored lick %

it's a * John Hurt _ holding a cockerel _
Sigourney Weaver chewing = a monster.
Ian Holm a ^ fan of the coiled + snake.
Giger is in the back with his stairs *

at least the / crew \ look like real people

the xenomorph ||| is a wet seated ape, a yawning | purring | sleeping | cat of punishment


RELEASE: 6 September 1979
DIRECTOR: Ridley Scott


the moist intimidating < plural > of all times
the most panicky ) marine ( of hope
the most best newt {us} surviving the night
by hide and seek champion 

why not send synthetic >> to fight the alien?
<war is worse / \ but undeniably curious
but this is my face 2020. warless.
just more acid to spull 

death, ^pacifism won’t work^ says Ripley
in space, this is the highest place of pain,
for the earth is always awa…….y from us

she thinks, ||| I’d never imagine
an alien drowning |||
that *humans* indulge
up until the point = they are
no longer allowed to

death is active around their
skin yet Paul Reiser still tries
to take one home etc… ++
while he is seeking its >
weakness ~

a … strong lead
a … rushed planet
to shoot eggs like bitch
more isn't always > better


RELEASE: 29 August 1986
DIRECTOR: James Cameron



RELEASE: 22 May 1992
DIRECTOR: David Fincher

Alien Resurrection

I know you have a plate so ….
full it is no longer a plate, so }
I'll not be  bothersome {{{ 

it used to be we didn't know where we were………
it used <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< life
meaning while >> you were busy
with your splicing << /// ….
birth was incurable as an alien

the possibilities of all minds
and actions {made hideous babies} … 

you can't control it <<<<<<
<<<you can't ask is it human.
you won't let that be ] still

meaning, it whips out}}}}} a tiny gross
space}}}}} sucks skin}}}}} off


RELEASE: 6 November 1997
DIRECTOR: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Alien vs Predator


RELEASE: 22 October 2004
DIRECTOR: Paul WS Anderson

These poems are from Come and See the Songs of Strange Days by SJ Fowler (Broken Sleep Books, 2021). Reprinted with permission from the author. Purchase the book here.

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