Walk in the Dark
Society HB Waight Society HB Waight

Walk in the Dark


An essay on walking at night through London, a city that has always been loved by nocturnal ramblers and insomniacs, of which Dickens is only the most famous.

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Audrey Hepburn’s ‘Moon River’
Music Peter Cherches Music Peter Cherches

Audrey Hepburn’s ‘Moon River’


When I was a kid, “Moon River” was part of the atmosphere. For several years in the early sixties it was ubiquitous, a persistent favorite on middle-of-the-road radio and on TV variety shows, de rigueur for every “pop” singer, one of those grownup survivors in a rock & roll world.

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Whale Therapy
Fiction David Gaffney Fiction David Gaffney

Whale Therapy


“There comes a point when you will try anything. Harriet described herself as a whale therapist and said she would use techniques associated with these giant sea mammals to ease my anxieties. It seemed like a reasonable idea – I'd heard of equine therapy – so I turned up at a large detached house on the Loop Road in Whitehaven and waited for my instructions.”

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Terrestial Zodiacs in Britain
Transitions Mark Valentine Transitions Mark Valentine

Terrestial Zodiacs in Britain


Terrestrial, or landscape, zodiacs have always been at the outer edge of antiquarian studies, and remain the eccentric uncle of that trendier activity, psycho-geography. Disdained by the orthodox, they prompt questions about how we interact with the numinous in certain landscapes, and about the potency of occult symbols.

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Visual Pantoums
Images Steph Morris Images Steph Morris

Visual Pantoums


Visual and concrete poetry is often less linear than written poetry, more like a collage or an abstract painting, which you can start and finish anywhere within the frame. These, on the other hand, are collages which use ‘lines’ and ‘stanzas’, so you might want to start at the top left and work your way down to the bottom right.

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Beneath the Pavement
Society Ioan Marc Jones Society Ioan Marc Jones

Beneath the Pavement


Ever since I was a teenager, friends and family and teachers and civil servants have told me that I think too much. I overthink, they all said, which made me think. People have used other terms to describe my condition – several doctors, for example, have called it anxiety.

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Life, Love & Gay Inhibitions In The Noughties
Society Ashley Mangtani Society Ashley Mangtani

Life, Love & Gay Inhibitions In The Noughties


I suppose I'm an old romantic at heart. Even though I should know better, I still adhere to the old school notion of 'true love'. I tried deeply to dismiss it - telling myself it was all too complicated and that I couldn't possibly put my body through the angst that comes with it. It didn't work.

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A Star of Television and the Silver Screen
Fiction Douglas Cowie Fiction Douglas Cowie

A Star of Television and the Silver Screen


A new story by Douglas Cowie: “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re particularly pleased to have a special guest flying with us today, star of television and the silver screen—” And here he said the name of some actor, or actress, I supposed, but I couldn’t be sure because it sounded muffled, or at least I didn’t understand. A few people clapped. Heads began to turn around, looking for this celebrity, although why they thought he or she would be sitting back in economy class, I don’t know.

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